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pnpm unlink

시스템 전체 패키지를 언링크합니다 (pnpm link 의 반대).

If called without arguments, all linked dependencies will be unlinked inside the current project.

이것은 pnpm이 외부 링크를 제거한 후 의존성을 다시 설치한다는 점을 제외하고, yarn unlink 와 유사합니다.

If you want to remove a link made with pnpm link --global <package>, you should use pnpm uninstall --global <package>. pnpm unlink only removes the links in your current directory. :::


--recursive, -r

Unlink in every package found in subdirectories or in every workspace package, when executed inside a workspace.

--filter <package_selector>

필터링에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.